Field of Ladybugs

Is this heaven? No, it's my weblog...Is there a heaven? Oh yeah. It's the place where dreams come true!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

What a weekend!!!

This was a super-sized weekend in every way. My parents arrived late on Tuesday night, so I only worked a half day on Wednesday and didn't return until Monday...4 1/2 days!!! In the course of that time we got so much done, I still can't believe it. Of course, some of the projects took longer than expected, but others went faster than I hoped. On top of all that, we worked pretty-much non-stop from Wednesday until they left on Sunday morning (with just a little break on Thursday to eat a yummy turkey dinner with all the fixin's).

Here's a list of the home-improvement projects we finished:

1. Over-the-range microwave installed (also required a new outlet to be added and some cabinets to be removed)

2. Wood laminate flooring (like Pergo) installed--this took most of three days

3. Baseboards cut for living room (I still need to stain, varnish, and install these)

4. Cable/high-speed internet outlets installed or replaced in three rooms

5. New doorknob and deadbolt on front door

6. Changed outlets and covers in bedroom (from cream to white)

7. Gutters cleaned and Christmas lights hung--on Sunday afternoon when the temperature was near 60 degrees:)

My parents must really love me, even after all this, they were talking about what we'll have to work on when they visit again (perhaps in the Spring). I hope we're all rested up by then!!!


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