Field of Ladybugs

Is this heaven? No, it's my weblog...Is there a heaven? Oh yeah. It's the place where dreams come true!

Monday, November 20, 2006

This ain't no Sistine Chapel

One of my major tasks this weekend was to paint the ceiling in my living room. I didn't do anything fancy, but it looks so much better than before. It wasn't necessarily a difficult job, but still quite a strain on the neck (even when using an extension pole on the roller). I can't even imagine what Michelangelo, et al., went through. I probably painted for about 3-4 hours total. The ceiling at Capella Sistina took 3-4 years!

Have a look at my work and his...not much of a comparison (but I'm still proud of what I accomplished):


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh! Ceiling painting is such a pain! Literally neck pain, and I can never keep it out of my hair!

It looks very nice though!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

12:22 PM  

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