Field of Ladybugs

Is this heaven? No, it's my weblog...Is there a heaven? Oh yeah. It's the place where dreams come true!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Thanksgiving preparations?

Generally, when preparing for Thanksgiving you worry about cleaning your house for company, thawing out the turkey, deciding if you should deep-fry or bake, brine or baste...oh, but not me. While the turkey will be coming out of the freezer this weekend (and I'll be basting in a bag), my house has only gotten messier in the past few days!!! This time, it's actually on purpose:) My parents are arriving on Tuesday to help me with some home-improvement projects over the holidays, primarily installing a new floor in my living room. But before they arrive I have a few projects of my own to finish: painting the ceiling, removing the old vinyl baseboard molding and heat registers, and pulling out the old carpet. Should be a fun weekend!


Blogger Peanut said...

Wow! Those are some pretty impressive projects.

1:43 PM  

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